A solid reputation, as the preferred supplier for transfer points on diamond operations, has seen South African OEM, Weba Chute Systems, service mines in Botswana for the last fifteen years.

Werner Baller, founder and CEO of Weba Chute Systems says, “The ability to fully understand the complexities of crushing systems enabled our technical team to provide a fit-for-purpose solution in a retrofit application on one of the mines recently.”

Explaining the application itself, Mark says that the transfer point operates between a crusher and material stockpiles, and over the years’ various challenges have been encountered including high impact on the belt and excessive dust and spillage with associated high maintenance costs.

In this section of the plant, some 3 500 tph of kimberlite is transferred from the open pit to the stock pile, and although several modifications were done over time, the plant stoppages caused by the ineffective transfer point had become a major problem.

The solution provided was a custom transfer point engineered to meet specific application requirements.

Mark says emphasis during the design stage was to mitigate the major issues of the past, one of which was the very high drop of 15 metres which the material has to transverse before reaching the belt.

“Uncontrolled drops such as this result in high impact on the belt. It is through absolute control of the material flow that we are able to reduce the impact of the product when it reaches the conveyor. This not only reduces wear on the belt but also reduces spillage and dust,” he says.

“Because each Weba Chute System is tailor-made for its specific application, we are confident that the plant stoppages at this mine will become a thing of the past,” Mark concludes.

Weba Chute Systems

Mark Baller

Tel: (011) 827-9372
