The decision more than three decades ago to standardise its fleet to Ditch Witch trenchers has been one of the keys to the success of specialist trenching company, Quick Trench.
Based in Midrand, the company now operates a full-time fleet of trenchers across the country, wherever quick and precise trenching is required. And, there is no shortage of work for the company, which has become one of the best-known trenching companies in South Africa today.
According to Jerry Martyne, owner of Quick Trench, “Whether it be deeper or wider trenchers, the ability to rip through asphalt surfaces or trench in rocky terrain, our partnership with ELB Equipment, the distributors of Ditch Witch in Southern Africa, means we have direct access to the required world leading technology whenever and wherever required.”
ELB Equipment area sales manager, Keith Smith, confirms that Quick Trench is one of the longest-time Ditch Witch customers in South Africa, adding that Jerry himself is also one of the most knowledgeable people in the country when it comes to trenching in all ground conditions.
“Having the best trenching equipment means little if you don’t have the expertise nor understand the abilities of each machine with its various attachments. Few in the industry have the kind of knowledge that Jerry has which is a major contributor to the success of his business. This same knowledge and experience is also the reason why he insists on Ditch Witch technology.
“At present the Quick Trench fleet has a perfect cross section of machines including the smaller workhorse Ditch Witch RT40 machines that have been a mainstay of the company for many years. The larger Ditch Witch RT55, RT75, RT95 and brawny RT115 models ensure that the company has the right machine for whatever type of trenching is required,” says Keith.
Jerry adds, “When working with ELB Equipment, the access to maintenance and parts is incredibly fast, but it sometimes helps to just be able to grab a spare part from our own stock and immediately use it on any one of our other machines if necessary.”
ELB Equipment, Tel: (011) 306-0700