For over three decades, steel company SSAB has delivered steel plates to England-based Kocurek Excavators, a company specialising in the manufacture of demolition equipment.
SSAB helps family business, Kocurek Excavators in Ipwich, England to continually push the boundaries on behalf of their worldwide-customers. The extreme forces needed when tearing down buildings with demolition equipment up to 70 metres high is supported by SSAB’s Strenx performance steel.
Kocurek believes there are numerous benefits to SAAB’s material. One of them is that it is so easy to work. The key benefit for high technical results can be achieved from the product while welding under normal conditions.
Another benefit has been that SSAB’s plate products are delivered blasted and primed, without any scale or rust on them.
With the primer one can weld straight on to the plates without any prior cleaning. That is an added benefit with SSAB’s
The demolition excavators’ arms have a length of up to 70 meters. They need to be able to withstand extreme forces when they literarily tear buildings down, piece by piece. The use of Strenx performance steel supports the strength and helps saving weight.
SSAB, Loredana Colianni
Email: loredana.colianni@ssab.com