ELB Equipment’s Powerscreen Warrior 2100 is able to reduce processing
cycles by dealing with unprocessed overburden and significantly shorten
production times in the separation of materials either for rehabilitation or as saleable commodities. The machine is specially designed for work alongside mining operations in different terrains and has flexible screening options and generous stockpileheights to accommodate a wide range
of loading types.
The Warrior 2100 uses the manufacturers’ triple shaft technology which
was first developed for the successful Warrior 2400 screen. The extreme screening acceleration offers the 2100 screen improved capabilities over its class rivals, especially in sticky scalping applications. With amplitudes and accelerations in excess of 16mm and 6g respectively, the Warrior 2100
triple shaft screen is more prolific at removing and breaking up clay materials than any of its class rivals.
ELB Equipment
Heath Dickson
Tel: (011) 306-0700
Email: heathd@elbquip.co.za