A newly-launched modular rope hoist can be adapted precisely to match specific requirements. With one basic technology, this product is now able to cover an even broader range of applications than rival products on the market.
Due to its modular design, the Demag DMR modular rope hoist provides a unique range of possible combinations, enabling the rope hoist to be configured to meet specific needs, thereby providing the perfect ‘one-stop’ solution, comments Richard Roughly, Senior Manager: Sales & Marketing.
“For the first time, customers can specify the design of their rope hoist, and still have the choice of all further options with just one system,” Richard highlights. The DMR is available in two versions, namely a C-design and a co-axial design.
Smart interfaces mean that this modular rope hoist can be supplemented with a range of fittings and accessories that are freely selectable.
Equipment can be enhanced for future production and logistics processes due to our innovative control systems, which transform your rope hoist into a smart solution for maximum transparency, safety, and reliability
Application types, from foot-mounted hoists to double-rail crabs, can all be implemented according to specific customer requirements. “With its unmatched level of modularity, we have made it that much easier to implement more rope-hoist variants than ever before,” Richards comments.
Five sizes are available, with load capacities up to 50t. The controls can be ‘smart’, conventional, or provided by the customer, with a stepless or two-stage drive concept. Control can be wire-connected or by radio, depending on requirements. In addition, a range of extra safety and control functions can be opted for.
“Our modular design allows us to offer customers the exact control system needed for their Demag DMR rope hoist. Your equipment can be enhanced for future production and logistics processes due to our innovative control systems, which transform your rope hoist into a smart solution for maximum transparency, safety, and reliability,” Richard elaborates.
The Demag DMR modular rope hoist guarantees reliable operation by means of the tried-and-tested contactor control option. Not only can this be maintained easily, but it is also available with various control voltages. An even more flexible option is for customers to implement their own ‘plug-and-play’ controls. In this regard, Demag can supply its own electric enclosure with various cable unions for customer-specific solutions.
Demag’s SafeControl allows for high operating safety, reliability, and efficient production. This feature meets all of the requirements for optimum support of state-of-the-art manufacturing and logistics processes. Thanks to its range of applications, it enables networked production in today’s modern production environment, paving the way for further innovation.
Allows customers to monitor complete crane systems in various production facilities and at different locations, regardless of the brand
For example, the integrated Demag SmartCheck sensor system detects all of the rope hoist’s operating parameters continuously, and reports them to the control system. These critical parameters range from information on speed to brake wear. Precise overload protection is fitted as standard, giving customers more peace of mind that they have the best total system for their individual applications.
Continuous checks
Slack-rope monitoring means that the tension of the rope can be checked continuously. The hoist drive switches off automatically when the load has been lowered to its destination. Bypass control allows for areas to be specified where the travelling hoist is blocked. This means safe bypass of high parts of machinery, for example, or alternatively zones that are out of bounds.
Tandem mode means that loads can be transported safely by two Demag DMR rope hoists via a single control unit. Two cranes, with up to four rope hoists, can also be synchronised. A further control refinement is area-specific load reduction, whereby areas can be defined which the travelling hoist may only enter if the load does not exceed a specific reference value. This has the added benefit of reducing the load on the runway and building structure, especially when two or more cranes operate on a single runway.
Full overview
“Real-time remote diagnosis empowers users to have an overview of all Demag DMR rope hoists in operation at any one time, even if you are away on a business trip. Our innovative Demag StatusControl remote access system supplies all relevant operating data in real-time, and analyses and processes it for direct access, even on a smartphone. Proactive maintenance can therefore be scheduled as and when required,” Richard explains.
Demag StatusControl also allows customers to monitor complete crane systems in various production facilities and at different locations, regardless of the brand. Target positioning means that loads can be transported automatically to a selected target position, as long as the crane operator presses the corresponding button on the radio control.
Demag Cranes, Richard Roughly, Tel: (011) 898-3500
Email: richard.roughly@demagcranes.com