“Our Konecranes Static Weighing System is a revolutionary system for the industry, significantly improving productivity as reach stackers can now hydraulically measure the weight of lifted containers with 1% full-scale accuracy achieved in less than five seconds,” says Lenny Naidoo, Acting National Operations Manager at CFAO Equipment SA’s Heavy Lift division
Recent amendments to Safety of Life at Sea (Solas) regulations require operators to provide carriers with a Verified Gross Mass (VGM) for each loaded container before being loaded onto a ship.
This digital system is simple to operate, with the operator initiating the weighing process from a multi-touch 7-inch control display inside the cabin once the container is lifted into its transport position. The VGM container data is then sent to the in-cab modem which, in turn, shares the data specific to that container.
This data is then automatically transferred and stored in the YourKonecranes cloud-based service, allowing for seamless integration between the weighing systems and users’ Terminal Operating System (TOS), Transport Management System (TMS) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Finally, an automated VGM declaration is generated using the data gathered.
The automated VGM declaration contains detailed information such as gross container mass, exact container ID, time and date stamps on each container, operator details and even lift truck data. Furthermore, the system detects the GPS coordinates of the container, making for easier container picking and loading.