The Annual General meeting was held in August and a number of new Directors were elected. It is indeed a pleasure to welcome the new faces: Trevor du Toit of Ringspann Transmissions, Riaz Ebrahim of Timken, and Rudi Swanepoel of SEW. Returning for another two-year term are: Dave Pitcher of Dunlop and Graeme Skeen of Dymot. Willem Sullivan has been seconded to a sub-committee of the Board, and still in office are Henk Brink of CedoTech, Wilton Monnery of KevConBelt, Willem Niemandt of Nepean Conveyors and Jay Pillay of Brelko Conveyor Products.
The first Board meeting after the AGM appointed yours truly as the Chairman for the year and also allocated portfolios to the Directors, as listed below. Feedback on the various activities are provided by the Directors at the Members’ Meetings held every second month during the year.
- Education andTraining – Henk Brink, Trevor du Toit and Rudi Swanepoel
- Beltcon and SafeCon – Willem Niemandt and Henk Brink
- Handbook – Riaz Ebrahim, Dave Pitcher and Trevor du Toit
- Pulleys – Wilton Monnery and Willem Sullivan
- Marketing – Jay Pillay and Rudi Swanepoel
- Belting – Dave Pitcher
- Finance, Articles of Association – Graeme Skeen
- Idlers – Jay Pillay and Willem Sullivan
- Joint Forum – Jay Pillay and Riaz Ebrahim
Beltcon 20
Beltcon 19 was an outstanding success and the CMA would like to extend congratulations and thanks to the Organising Committee (chaired by Alan Exton) for their hard work. We look forward with anticipation to Beltcon 20 to be held in 2019.
Jay Pillay