As the size of South African coal deposits shrink and operations expect shorter mine lives, miners look to reduce capital expenditure on infrastructure. B&E International’s build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) plants offer the solution.
“Our expertise and equipment in crushing and screening takes the pressure off the customer and relieves them of considerable production risk,” says Ken Basson, director plant and engineering at B&E International.
This allows the business to flexibly fit in to customers’ value chains,
maximising production performance and machine uptime while taking on the risk of meeting the agreed output targets.
“Our R&D focus has allowed us to develop our own primary coal crushing
plant; a high capacity, track mounted unit that is currently under construction and will soon be launched,” says Ken.
“The design is aimed at further reducing unit costs that we can achieve when conducting a contract for a customer.
Its high volume capacity means better efficiencies while being able to serve
multiple small deposits on the same mine site,” he concludes
B&E International
Ken Basson
Tel: (011) 966-4310
Email: kbasson@beinternational.co.za