Sandvik Eclipse Fire Suppression Systems are contributing to an enviable fire safety record at the Ambatovy Nickel Mine in Madagascar, one of the biggest nickel mines in the world.
With several mobile machines, as well as other risk areas protected by these systems, the mine has not lost plant equipment nor exposed onsite workers to hazardous fires since the beginning of production in 2012.
Sandvik offers an entirely water-based foam system that attacks all aspects of the fire triangle, says Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology business developer for fire suppression, Nick Steinz.
In addition, cleanups and recharging after triggering of the system is quick and easy, as opposed to powders, which can take hours to clean and may render a machine or entire area inoperable for an entire shift.
In the event of a serious fire the foam-based solution has other advantages, including having a cooling effect which can prevent reignition. It is also able to extinguish the fire without hampering visibility as is the case with powders.
Sandvik Mining
Alice Ward
Tel: (011) 929-5300
Email: alice.ward@sandvik.com