When a local Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of concrete brick, block, and paving machinery had the unique opportunity to build a Greenfield plant for a longstanding customer in the East London area, it turned to SEW-Eurodrive (Pty) Ltd for its easily-configurable HandlingKinematics pick-and-place solution.
The handlingKinematics application module allows for machine control at a higher level by means of a lower-level Configurable Control Unit (CCU) for carrying out precision path movements. During start-up, all the end user is required to do is enter the relevant mechanical data for the initial configuration of the motion parameters. During production, the trajectory positions necessary for commencing movement are simply transferred to the CCU, which coordinates the path movement in realtime. It even allows for ‘wait’ points toe defined in the trajectory. The system is so flexible that during palletising and stacking, the target position can be adapted immediately during the runtime by the CCU, without higher-level
controller intervention. Even greater flexibility can be allowed for
by incorporating the freely-programmable Movi-PLC in the HandlingKinematics application module. This provides for exactly
the same functionality, and completely repeatable configuration.
SEW-Eurodrive (Pty) Ltd
Jana Klut
Tel: (011) 248-7000
Email: info@sew.co.za