The former Mining Division of Tenova, commonly known as Takraf with its integrated product brand, Delkor, revised its branding as of 5 October 2020 to now operate as Takraf Group.
Takraf is recognised as one of the world’s leading technology brand when it comes to handling high capacity run-of-mine and bulk material. Its portfolio ranges from overburden removal, to raw material extraction, comminution, conveying, loading/unloading, processing, homogenizing, blending, storage, and final loading for onward shipment.
The Delkor brand is associated with liquid/solid separation and beneficiation equipment, with thousands of successful installations worldwide. Delkor products are specifically designed for the rigours of the mining industry, combining high performance technology features with proven robust designs.
Takraf Group remains a Tenova company, known and respected globally as a partner for innovative, reliable, and sustainable solutions in the metals and mining industries.