Dust Explosion Pentagon [source: OSHA https://www.osha.gov/dts/shib/shib073105.html]

Together with the Foundations Learning Centre, the largest comprehensive free conveyor training archive on the web, Martin Engineering experts give detailed insight into the causes and prevention of deadly fires. 


To create a fire there must be three elements: oxygen, heat and fuel (aka, “the fire triangle”). One factor that makes conveyor fires so hazardous is that the belt itself can be the fuel.  According to a study of belt fires conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), any of the standard neoprene, PVC, chloroprene and BELT-approved SBR belts can ignite. 

Although some belts were self-extinguishing, the conclusion is that there is no non-flammable belt, particularly when accompanied by a combustible material.  

Conveyor fires can happen anywhere, at any time, even outdoors in the cold.
Possible Ignition Sources
FrictionDust / Material / ChemicalMechanical / Maintenance
Frictional heating of belts riding on non-rotating components

Heat from brake friction

Belt rubbing on structure
Combustible dust

Out of control high-temperature processes where bulk material temperature exceeds belt capability
Slip of a belt on a pulley

Cutting and Welding

Bearing seal failure leading to seized bearings  Spillage of combustible bulk materials

Accumulations of bulk materials that can spontaneously ignite
Flammable liquids
Excessive temperature of the drive

Hot surfaces
Sparks and electrical causes


Friction heat between rolling components can be
extreme enough to light both the material and belt.

Inadequate belt cleaning in the discharge zone can lead to dust and carryback on the return side of the belt, causing a fouled tail pulley to run under a stalled belt, which creates tremendous heat. 

Dust emissions of any kind (combustible or noncombustible) originating from the loading or discharge zones have a tendency to foul rolling components, leading to failure of the seals and then contamination in the bearings, eventually causing the roller to seize. A rolling component can also stall if impact or cargo weight causes the bearings to collapse. 

Continuous frictional contact with a seized idler or the roller face can cause a loaded belt to exceed safe operational temperatures. It can also potentially result in extreme wear on the belt, degrading the main fire-retardant layer and exposing the heat-sensitive materials found in the belt’s inner construction.

Controlling fugitive material

Fugitive material control and regular cleaning of spillage are imperative. Without proper belt cleaning, chute sealing and belt tracking, spillage that collects around the loading/discharge areas and along the belt path can damage moving components, restrict access by fire crews and potentially act as fuel. 

Dust control is extremely important when handling combustible substances, and it is recommended — instead of just taking into account the fire triangle — operators consider the “Dust Explosion Pentagon.”  Examples of highly combustible materials include:

Significant amounts of dust can collect on the walls of the loading zone chute.  If a foreign metal object is accidentally introduced into the enclosed area, a spark can potentially create an explosion. Additionally, common maintenance within the chute such as removal of the wear liner using a cutting torch often requires confined space entry by workers. If the inside of the chute is not adequately cleaned, this task could pose a serious hazard.

Think like an inspector

When examining conveyor equipment, one should approach the task with the same critical mindset as an inspector from OSHA, MSHA or the local fire department.  Safety professionals recommend a holistic view of the system and the combustibility of the material. 

When making a conveyor fire risk assessment, also consider:

Considerations for conveyor fire prevention

Often, the potential return on investment (ROI) for prevention equipment isn’t recognised until managers are inspecting burnt rubble and negotiating with insurance adjusters. However, safety-minded operators understand that the same equipment they would implement for increased efficiency such as belt cleaners and impact cradles, can also help prevent fires.

Foundations for Conveyor Safety is a 500+ page
reference volume dedicated to worker safety.


Operators should regularly contain airborne dust at transfer points and remove accumulation. Damaged rollers must be replaced promptly. Conveyor belt alignment is also an essential prerequisite to belt safety. Consider using flame-resistant grease and other lubricants. Fire detection and suppression systems must be tested in accordance with regulatory standards. Experience has shown that clean conveyor systems and ongoing maintenance form the best defense against fire.


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