Here we are, coming to the end of 2022 and looking forward to a great year in 2023. Much has been achieved this year and thanks to a new way of working, many of the Working Groups have been able to continue reviewing the Standards using both Teams and in-person meetings.  The out-of-date Standards under review include Idlers, Pulleys and Belting.

In February 2022, a Joint Forum meeting was held and the in-person audience was treated to three virtual presentations from the USA and Australian speakers on the subject of energy saving belting and Indentation Rolling Resistance.  The energy scale similar to that in use for tyres and electrical goods was adopted for conveyor belting.


We have also had our full complement of Members’ Meetings through the year offering an opportunity for members to network after the technical feedback business of the meeting.

The social events were also much enjoyed with a Golf Day in June and an evening at the Barnyard Theatre in place of the traditional dinner in July.


Training courses have also benefited after the lifting of CoViD restrictions, and with a high demand and capacity attendance for the first two Diploma courses in the year, a third and extra one was added in November.  The Certificate course has been held in Randburg and on-site for a mining company during the year.

The Chute Seminar held in September, included two days of virtual lectures from Australia as well as lectures on the practicalities and using DEM software (for which temporary licences were available to attendees), on the third day.  The seminar achieved great acclaim from the delegates and will be repeated next year.

Important milestone

2023 sees the 50th Anniversary of the Conveyor Manufacturers Association.  So much has been achieved in its fifty-year history and we are all looking forward to celebrating this milestone accordingly.

Merry Christmas everyone; and happy Hanukkah.  Very best wishes to one and all for 2023.

Jay Pillay
CMA Chairman

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